Advanced Surround View Monitoring System
Next Level of Safety and Comfort
Around-the-vehicle solutions that make driving safer and more comfortable.
blind spots
An average car has four blind spots
800,000 blind spot accidents
Every year, there are 800,000 blind spot accidents
Uncountable crashes
And uncountable crashes due to poor spatial judgement
That's why your vehicle needs

VinAI's Advanced Surround View Monitoring System

Provide drivers with a comprehensive, 360-degree view of their surroundings using imagery from four fisheye cameras and advanced algorithms.
Offer high-quality and real-time visuals while requiring minimal computational resources.
Demonstrate compatibility with various hardware platforms, allowing it to be retrofitted into any vehicle.

Upgrade your vehicles to the
Next Level of Safety and Comfort
with our AI-powered features
Basic Features

Front View and Rear View with Static and Dynamic Guidelines

Top View with
Trajectory Guidelines
Trajectory Guidelines

Tire View

Touch-based 3D/360
Surround View
Surround View

Safety Warnings (warning signals from CAN message)

Auto On/Off by Changing Gears and Speed
Advanced Features

Jelly View: Transparent Inside-Out View
Camera Auto-Calibration
Collision Warning and Unsafe Door Opening by Object Detection Technology
Narrow Street (width, height) Measurement & Guidelines
Parking Slot, Free Space Detection and Parking Guidelines
Low Light Condition and Bad Weather Support
How does it work?
Our multi-camera integrated platform eliminates all blind-spots and gives the driver a complete view around the vehicle in real-time, significantly improving vehicle safety and enhancing the driving experience.
Why us?
Why 01
Regulation Compliance: NHTSA FMVSS 111 and UN ECE R158.
Why 04
Compatibility: Flexible and portable on different platforms and systems, adaptive to all vehicle models.
Why 02
AI-enabled safety functions and enhanced driving experience.
Why 03
Best-in-class image stitching quality, with high performance and low power consumption.
Together, Let's Create Intelligence For Tomorrow, Today